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Every year, the tournament is held in a new city and has a new host club. First Srbijada was hosted in 1993 in Windsor, Ontario by the Windsor Serbs soccer club. Ending in 2016, 24 consecutive tournaments were held. During Srbijada, five competitions are held. Tournaments are held in open, over 30, over 40 and over 50 division. Both open and over 30 categories have been in existence since the beginning of the tournament, while over 40 category was added to the tournament program in 1998. This tournament is very similar to Karadjordje Cup that takes place in Australia.


  • To establish a traditional annual sporting event for Serbs in North America.

  • To promote the game of soccer among Serbian athletes.

  • To bring Serbian people from different Serbian communities together.

  • To enhance and promote the Serbian name across North America.

  • To financially help the hosting team.

  • To introduce new Serbian communities to visiting clubs.

  • To expand the athletic competition to other disciplines.


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